Studies of the possibilities and opportunities
intelligent integrated transport system in the area Cerová vrchovina
Priatelia Zeme - CEPA o. z. Poniky
intelligent integrated transport system in the area Silická planina
Priatelia Zeme - CEPA o. z. Poniky
intelligent integrated transport system in the area Zamagurie
Priatelia Zeme - CEPA o. z. Poniky
connection of the town of Brezno to the railway in the direction of Tále, Krupová and Krpáčovo
Oblastná organizácia cestovného ruchu Horehronie Brezno
prolongation of the railway by the Bystrianska dolina to Tále, Krupová and Krpáčovo
Oblastná organizácia cestovného ruchu Horehronie Brezno
the deficits of the public transport in the cities České Budějovice, Tábor a Teplice
European Union Bruxelles/Brussel
the eurasian railway corridors*
Kazakstan respublikasinin kölik jäne kommunikaciya ministrligi Astana
railway connection Tiranë – Skopje*
Ministria e puneve publike, transportit dhe telekomunikacionit Tiranë
the exploitation of the real estate and the land on the railway in the republic Česká republika*
Ministerstvo dopravy a spojů České republiky Praha
the renewal of the railway vehicles of the passenger transport of the firm České dráhy a. s.
Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Praha
the availability of the international airports with railway passenger transport in the world
Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Praha
Public Sector Comparator of the project AirCon (the oponentura)
Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Praha
the optimization of the lockout activities on the railway in the republic Česká republika
Ministerstvo dopravy a spojů České republiky Praha
the reconstruction of the railway hub Praha*
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the high-speed railways in the republic Česká republika
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the alternative solutions of the railwya connection to the international airport Praha (cz)
Letiště Praha a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the firm Keolis SA in the railwya passenger transport in the republic Česká republika to the year 2012
Keolis SA Rueil-Malmaison
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the dining cars of the firm České dráhy a. s.
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the sleeping cars of the firm České dráhy a. s.
České dráhy a. s. Praha
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the charter trains of the firm České dráhy a. s.
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the firm České dráhy a. s. outside of the republic Česká republika
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the valuation of the shortening of the lockout works on the railways by one hour
INFRAM a. s. Praha
the long-distance passenger railway transport in the republic Česká republika before the put into the service of the high-speed railways
SUDOP PRAHA a. s. Praha
the long-distance passenger railway transport in the city Praha
Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Praha
the valid legislation in the area of the railway transport in the republic Česká republika
SUDOP PRAHA a. s. Praha
the comparison of the valid legislation in the area of the railway transport in the european countries
SUDOP PRAHA a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the firm HELIKA a. s. in the area of transport designing in the republic Česká republika and in the republic Slovenská republika
HELIKA a. s. Praha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the railway vehicles of the firm SIEMENS s. r. o. in the regional passenger railway transport in the republic Česká republika to the year 2010
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the railway vehicles of the firm STADLER AG in the railway passenger transport at the world airports
the possibilities and the opportunities of the employment of the railway vehicles of the firm Bombardier SA in the passenger railway transport in the republic Česká republika
Bo mbardier SA Montréal
the possibilities of the connecting of the logistics park in the city Jeneč to the railway network
SKANSKA AB Stockholm
the possibilities of the firm INEKON GROUP a. s. on the railway in the republic Republika e Shqipërisë
INEKON GROUP a. s. P raha
the possibilities and the opportunities of the revitalization of the railway vehicles of the railway carriers in the republic Česká republika and in the republic Slovenská republika
Société Générale SA Paris
the expertise of the financing of the purchase of the railway vehicles
Société Générale SA Paris
the expertise f he extension of the line of the metro of the city Dnipropetrovsk
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development London
Technical studies
the railway connection Aktogaj – Ürümqi*
Kazakstan respublikasinin kölik jäne kommunikaciya ministrligi Astana
the railway connection Beirut – Tarabulus ash-Sham*
Wizarat al'ashghal aleammat w alnnaql almudiriat aleammat lilnnaql albarri w albahri Beirut
the railway connection Praha Masarykovo nádraží – Praha letiště*
Ministerstvo dopravy České republiky Praha
the railway connection Warszawa Centralna – Warszawa Lotnisko Chopina*
Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A. Warszawa
the railway connection Plzeň – Regensburg (cz)
the railway connection Plzeň – Regensburg (de)
Bezirk Oberpfalz Regensburg
the regional transport system of the region Praha*
Hlavní město Praha
the connection with the dual tramway Praha – Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav*
Středočeský kraj Praha
the railway connection Horažďovice – Planá u Mariánských Lázní*
Plze ňský kraj Plzeň
the connection with the dual tramway Louny – Chemnitz*
Ústecký kraj Ústí nad Labem
the transport availability of the region Teplicko
Ústecký kraj Ústí nad Labem
the transport availability of the region Ústecký kraj
Ústecký kraj Ústí nad Labem
the railway connection Jihlava – Zwettl*
Kraj Vy sočina Jihlava
the railway connection Brno – Přerov
Jihomoravský kraj Brno
North-south railway diameter Brno - the legislative classification of the tracks
Jihomoravský kraj Brno
the regional transport system of the euroregion Egrensis*
Zweckverband Öfentlicher Personennahverkehr Vogtland Auerbach
the transport accessability of the national parks České Švýcarsko and Sachsische Schweiz after the opening of the railway border crossing Sebnitz – Dolní Poustevna (cz)
the transport accessability of the national parks České Švýcarsko and Sachsische Schweiz after the opening of the railway border crossing Sebnitz – Dolní Poustevna (de)
Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe GmbH Dresden
the railway connection Praha – Milovice – Mladá Boleslav – Liberec/Tanvald*
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the railway connection Chrudim – Jaroměř*
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the railway connection Plzeň – Plattling*
České dráhy a. s. Praha
Feasibility studies
the high-speed railway connection Almaty – Astana*
Kazakstan respublikasinin kölik jäne kommunikaciya ministrligi Astana
the regional transport system of the euroregion Nisa/Nysa/Neisse (the oponentura)
Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj České republiky Praha
the 2. metro line of the city Warszawa
Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa
the V. paneuropean corridor Bratislava – Čierna nad Tisou št. hr. and the VI. paneuropean corridor Žilina – Čadca št. hr.
Železnice Slovenskej republiky š. p. Bratislava
the side branch of the IV. paneuropean corridor Praha – Cheb st. hr.*
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the connecting branch of the IV. and of the VI. paneuropean corridor Česká Třebová – Zábřeh na Moravě*
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the railway connection Praha – Kladno*
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the reconstruction of the railway hub Brno
Správa železniční dopravní cesty s. o. Praha
the implementation of trains on the line Praha Masarykovo nádraží – Praha letiště
Keolis SA Rueil-Malmaison
the implementation of trains on the line Chrudim – Jaroměř
Keolis SA Rueil-Malmaison
the implementation of trains on the line Příbram – Praha
Connex SA Paris
the implementation of trains in the region Praha
VIAMONT a. s. Ústí nad Labem
the implementation of trains on the line Praha – Ostrava
STUDENT AGENCY s. r. o. Brno
the implementation of trains on the line Praha – Košice
WAGON SERVICE travel s. r. o. Bratislava
the extended XI. paneuropean corridor Praha – Horní Dvořiště st. hr.*
České dráhy s. o. Praha
the railway connection Praha hlavní nádraží/Praha Masarykovo nádraží – Praha-Libeň/Praha-Vysočany/Praha-Holešovice*
České dráhy s. o. Praha
Conceptual studies
the transformation of the railways in the republic Slovenská republika*
Ministerstvo dopravy, pôšt a telekomunikácií Slovenskej republiky Bratislava
the transformation of the railways in the republic Česká republika**
České dráhy s. o. Praha
the restructuring of the railway passenger transport of the firm České dráhy a. s. after the transfer of freight transport to the separate firm ČD Cargo a. s.
České dráhy a. s. Praha
the color solutions of the railway vehicles of the passenger transport (sk) |
ADVERTISING GROUP s. r. o. Bratislava |
the high-speed railway and its benefits for the republic Česká republika (cz) |
Skupina pro podporu vysokorychlostní železniční dopravy Praha |
Realization works
the implementation of trains on the railway of the union Svazek obcí údolí Desné
Connex SA Paris
the implementation of train InterConnex Liberec – Binz
Connex SA Paris
the implementation of train SuperCity Praha – Ostrava**
České dráhy s. o. Praha
the implementation of the motorcartrain Praha – Poprad**
České dráhy s. o. Praha
the implementation of the services of the stewards aboard of the trains of the firm Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s.***
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s. Bratislava
the implementation of the zones of the silence aboard of the trains of the firm Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s.***
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s. Bratislava
the implementation of the zones of the security aboard of the trains of the firm Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s.***
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s. Bratislava
the implementation of the children's tickets aboard of the trains of the firm Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s.***
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s. Bratislava
the securing of the financing of the modernization of the motor vehicles of the firm Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy a. s. from the funds ROP (Regionální operační program)
Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy a. s. Jindřichův Hradec
the securing of the financing of the purchase of the ecobus of the firm PROBO BUS a. s. from the funds ROP (Regional operational program)
PROBO BUS a. s. Králův Dvůr
the securing of the financing of the purchase of the ecobus of the firm TRANSCENTRUM bus s. r. o. from the funds ROP (Regional operational program)
TRANSCENTRUM bus s. r. o. Kosmonosy
the securing of the financing of the purchase of the ecobus of the firm Veolia Transport Praha s. r. o. from the funds ROP (Regional operational program)
Veolia SA Paris
the securing of the financing of the purchase of the ecobus of the firm Bosák bus s. r. o. from the funds ROP (Regional operational program)
Bosák bus s. r. o. Příbram
the securing of the financing of the purchase of the ecobus of the firm Cup Tour Bus s. r. o. from the funds ROP (Regional operational program)
Cup Tour Bus s. r. o. Příbram
the securing of the financing of the modernization of the production of the spare parts of the firm LUFAX from the funds OPKaHR (operational program Competitiveness and economic growth)
LUFAX Gemerská Hôrka
the obtaining of the licenses and the certificates of the carrier of the firm Abellio CZ a. s. |
Abellio BV Utrecht |
Explanatory notes |
* under the auspices of the firm |
SUDOP PRAHA a. s. Praha |
** under the auspices of the firm |
České dráhy s. o. Praha |
*** under the auspices of the firm |
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko a. s. Bratislava |